
Insignia: Shield: Per bend between a mailed Dexter
gauntlet grasping a dagger and the winged hat of Mercury argent.
Motto: VINCAMUS SINE TIMORIS--Without Fear We Conquer.
Nickname: The White Tails. Called the “White
Tails” because of white ID bar on aircraft tails.
History: Constituted as 323rd Bombardment Group
(Medium) on June 19, 1942.
Activated on August 4, 1942 at Columbia AAB, SC. The first phase
of training commenced at MacDill Field, Florida on the 21st of August
1942. Trained with B-26 Medium Bombers. The unit moved to Myrtle
Beach Field, SC on the first to the third of November 1942. In mid
February 1943, picked up new B-26Cs at Bear Field in Indiana. The
453rd, 454th and 455th moved to Hunter Field, Ga. in preparation
for overseas movement to the United Kingdom via the southern ferry
route. The 456 BS left in early May of 1943 by the northern ferry
route. In June 1943 the ground unit left Myrtle Beach on the 25th
of April 1943 and sailed on the Queen Elizabeth on the 5th of May
1943, and arrived in Gourock, England on the 11th of May 1943.
First assigned to the Eighth Air Force. Began operations in July
1943, attacking marshaling yards, airdromes, industrial plants,
military installations, and other targets in France, Belgium, and
Assigned to the 9th Air Force, IX BC on October 16, 1943. Moved
to Beaulieu in July 1944 and to France in Late August 1944. Carried
out numerous attacks on V- weapon sites along the coast of France.
Attacked airfields at Leeuwarden and Venlo in conjunction with the
Allied campaign against the German Air Force and aircraft industry
during Big Week, Feb. 20-25, 1944. Helped to prepare for the invasion
of Normandy by bombing coastal batteries on June 6, 1944. Participated
in the aerial barrage that assisted the breakthrough at St. Lo in
July 1944. Flew tactical missions in support of Allied ground forces.
Flew its first night mission after moving to the Continent in Aug.,
striking enemy batteries in the region of St. Malo. Carried out
other night missions during the month to hit fuel and ammunition
dumps. Eliminated strong points at Brest early in September and
then shifted operations to eastern France to support advances against
the Siegfried Line.
Received a DUC for actions (Dec. 24-27, 1944) during the Battle
of the Bulge when the group effectively hit transportation installations
used by the enemy to bring reinforcements to the Ardennes. Flew
interdictory missions into the Ruhr and supported the drive into
Germany by attacking enemy communications.
Ended combat in April 1945. Moved to Germany in May to participate
in the disarmament program.
The unit returned to the US in December 1945. Inactivated on 12
Dec. 1945.
Squadrons: |
453rd |
454th |
455th |
456th |
VT |
RJ |
YU |
WT |
Columbia AAB, SC, August 4, 1942
MacDill Field, FL, August 21, 1942
Myrtle Beach Bombing Range, SC, November 2, 1942 to April 25,
1943 |
England, May 12, 1943
Earls Colne, England, June 14, 1943
Beaulieu, England, July 21, 1944
Lessay, France, August 26, 1944
Chartres, France, September 21, 1944
Laon/Athies, France, October. 13, 1944
Denain/Prouvy, France, Feb 9, 1945
Gablingen, Germany, May 15, 1945
Landsberg, Germany, July 16, 1945
Clastres, France, October - December 1945;
Camp Myles Standish, MA, December 11, 1945.
Col. Herbert B. Thatcher, September 1942
Col. Wilson R. Wood, November 13, 1943
Col. Rollin M. Winingham, February 14, 1945
Lt. Col. George O. Commenator, August 1945
Campaigns: Air Offensive, Europe; Normandy;
Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe.
Decorations: Distinguished Unit Citation:
Belgium and Germany, 24-27 Dec. 1944. |
RJ-X Paper Dolly II a B-26C-45-MO leading a raid into Germany. |
323rd Bomb Group Statistics
Flew 318 Missions or 11,424 Individual Sorties
Dropped 15,067 Tons of Bombs
1st Mission: July 16th, 1943 - The
Abbeville Marshaling Yards, France.
Last mission: April 25th, 1945 - The Erding Airdrome,
German airport & Me262 German jet fighters